AN eye exam that meets your visual needs
Below is a detailed breakdown the examination services we provide at Sage Opticians.
Signature Eye examination
Conducted by our experienced fully qualified Optometrist, the Signature eye examination includes:
A detailed written discussion about your ocular history and presenting symptoms
Assessing your vision with/without your current spectacle correction
Calculation of your latest spectacle prescription using objective/subjective assessments
Binocular Vision function/workup to assess your ability to use both eyes together
Health assessment of your external eye
Health assessment of your internal eye
Measuring your eye pressure (intraocular pressure)
Visual field screening of your peripheral vision
Hospital grade OCT 3D scan, a gold standard tool in the early diagnosis of retinal disease such as Glaucoma and other conditions such as macular degeneration.
Thorough breakdown and analysis of your OCT scan
Detailed advice tailored to your individual ocular and visual needs
Dry eye assessment: assess the baseline of the tears and the filtration system of the glands using multiple testing methods.
Private - £75| NHS & Over 60s - £50
Contact Lenses
We offer a Contact Lens Fitting service for anyone new to lenses or wishing to try a new type of lens, this includes:
Lifestyle assessment for lens recommendations.
Eye measurements to ensure a perfect fit with comfort.
Guide you through how to wear, remove and maintain your lenses.
Please note you must have an up to date eye exam for a Contact Lens Fitting.
We offer a Contact Lens Aftercare service for anyone who has worn lenses before, this includes:
Precise calculation of your lens prescription.
Anterior eye assessment wearing your lenses.
External eye health assessment without your lenses.
Please bring your glasses with you as you will be required to wear them after your appointment.
Fitting - £69 | Aftercare - £49
Children’s eye exam (Under 18)
With the child’s eye examination the OCT scan is provided as standard.
Comprehensive testing for children with amblyopia (lazy eye) or a squint.
Specialised testing charts to help ensure an accurate and thorough assessment.
If required the use of drops to ensure they are prescribed an accurate prescription.
OCT Scan - £30